Professional-Bio Pages
Who's Who In The MT Profession

This area will showcase MT professionals, their faces, their professional orientation, organizations they belong to, their background, and accomplishments. Health consumers and human-resources managers who are looking to use the services of an MT professional, as well as MTs who are looking for an experienced supervising mentor can now all do so with just a few clicks!

It's a funny thing, though . . . just as the online world has been slow to use MT as a valid and reliable healthcare modality, many MTs are not sure just how beneficial it is for them to be online . . . Of course, we at MT WEB CENTRAL know that both are . . . inevitable. Therefore, when more MTs become comfortable Netizens and find time to write up their professional-bio, there will be many webpages in the vein of the professional-bio page of ASSOCIATED MTs™ founder turned website develoducer, Bruria Ginton, LicMT, or co-founding Active Member, Lawrence J Litzow, of Brisbane, Australia.

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The information is submitted by individual practitioners who are solely responsible for their practices and their professional-bios. While QWL Services and MT WEB CENTRAL clearly discourages the inclusion of false or misleading information, and we reserve the right to edit those submissions, neither QWL Services nor MT WEB CENTRAL guarantees the occuracy of the information.

For practical reasons, right now, professional-bio pages can be accessed straight from our Global Directory, MTs NEAR YOU™, which is organized alphabetically by geographical location. Soon, for greater exposure and concenience, all professional-bios will also be organized alphabetically by practitioner's last name and accessible right from this page.

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