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Due to our rapid growth and pressing on-going projects, we're not as fast uploading back issues to this archive as we'd like to be. But you certainly have enough issues here to give you a feel for MT MATTERS!. And you don't have to be behind reading future issues. Just tell us--very briefly--who you are, what you do, and who gave you our internet address. In turn, we'll send the latest issue of MT MATTERS! directly to your E-Mail box while it's still hot. Best of all, subscription is FREE.
From a small, quick, little something back in May 1996, MT MATTERS! is now reaching a growing network of people to the tune of an average of seven new daily subscribers who are interested in professional-quality MT. In it, we bring news from the world of Massage Therapy and we try to cover whatever comes up in our E-Mail box with a wide professional application or interest. By uploading past issues, our goal is to inform, stimulate, and motivate present and future MTs towards greater interaction, professionalism with earned pride, and with fun. You can probably sense that MT WEB CENTRAL actively supports the campaign for free speech online. And so it's with special delight that we have created a different professional voice with its unique experienced, professional perspective, one that, without the internet, we could merely . . . dream about.

We thank you for each response. MT WEB CENTRAL believes that an open discussion is always more conducive to growth and progress than the stifling of ideas, speech, and info!

Back Issues:
Scroll down to click-select a collection

    WINTER 1996


  • SUMMER 1997 Collection
    June '96, Vol 2, No 7
    July '96, Vol 2, No 8
    August '96, Vol 2, No 9

  • FALL 1997 Collection
    September, Vol 2, No 10
    October, Vol 2, No 11
    November, Vol 2, No 12

When you write with Qs or feedback, remember, we don't need hype. To help one another, we simply need straight info! Don't, however, hesitate to tell us how you feel about the issues! Try to be brief and, in your message, include the part of the message that you're responding to--don't assume that we remember everything--we probably don't . . . [sigh]. Thanks.

MTM! is the intellectual property of QWL Services. We invite schools of MT and students to print out and share MT Matters! with students and faculty, provided they give proper credit to the publication, its source, MASSAGE THERAPY WEB CENTRAL, and its publisher, QWL Services. Any form of reproduction for any other purpose requires express permission from QWL Services.

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